Day 277 – Missed Chance


This grasshopper landed on our window the other night. I grabbed my camera quickly but only managed to snap one shot before he hopped off, completely out of sight. It’s not the bug macro I would normally hope for but maybe I can pass it off as bug art. 😉

Day 244 – One Handed Photography


Being a new parent comes with lots of challenges…like finding ways to incorporate my hobbies into the daily routine. One way for me to do this is to take my camera on our afternoon walk. Today I practiced walking the dogs in one hand and taking pictures with the other. This was a result of that practice.

Day 195 – Ssssssssssssnake

Posting a photo a day definitely can lead to some content monotony I’m afraid. Or at least I’ve felt like that over the last couple of weeks. Maybe it’s because I’ve been a bit preoccupied with preparation of my baby’s arrival and haven’t had as much time to get out and about, deep into the bush like usual. Timing is ironic sometimes. This is actually the time of year when snakes start becoming more scarce.

I have been acutely aware and extremely cautious of snakes on all of my bush adventures through the summer…all the while, secretly hoping for an opportunity to photograph one. I have a field guide on stand by and as a majority of Australian snakes are highly venomous, (the most deadly in the world) I would never do anything stupid just for a photo. As it turns out, I had the joy of encountering this Common Tree Snake (I checked the field guide to make sure…twice) today. I had a blast photographing him, even though he was less than cooperative and a teeny bit cranky. He did strike at me several times and hit the lens more than once, but he was rather small and not a danger in any way. He eventually settled down once he realized I was harmless as well.

I like to try and photograph ‘scary’ things in a way that people can appreciate and hopefully find beauty in. I played around with different angles, lighting and depth of field to hopefully achieve a few photos that even the most squeamish can enjoy (I actually have around 70 ‘keepers’ from this session!!!!)