Day 269 – Sunrise Tie-dye

“Too bad it’s cloudy”. I heard that more than once as I was out shooting some pre-dawn/sunrise shots. ‘Thank goodness it’s cloudy’ is more how I felt. I love the deep purple/pink and blue tones created by the big dark clouds colliding with the sun’s spilling light.


Day 268 – Racing the Sun


We had a couple of days in Byron Bay this week, to meet up with the family on a short holiday. I got up extra early this morning, in an effort to beat the sun to the beach. I won, it was still a bit dark when I took my first step into the ocean. Such a glorious time of day, not to mention a photographic delight. I spent the next hour(ish) taking advantage of the sun’s steady approach on the horizon.

It was time well spent but now I must rest my weary head.